August 20, 2021

How to Get Asylum in California

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How to Get Asylum in California

What is Asylum

Asylum refers to protecting a person prosecuted in their country of origin. The protection is provided by another sovereign authority such as another country, state, or sanctuary. Therefore, a person has the right to enjoy security in California.

Applying for asylum protects one from deportation; thus, you will be allowed to stay and work in California by law.  According to U.S immigration law, a refugee is resettled in the U.S. through the U.S. settlement program, which is different from an asylum.

Asylum is offered to foreigners within California or those arriving at the border and meeting a refugee’s legal requirements. A refugee is any person unable or not willing to return to their country. The reason for this is because they aren’t guaranteed protection.

How to Get Asylum in California?

You might be new in California; thus, you can call the Manzoor law firm for consultation if you wish to seek asylum.  We have experienced Sacramento immigration lawyers; we are here to help you out.

An Asylum in California is protected from being returned to their country of origin due to racial, religious, or any social or political prosecution. To learn more about these two processes, you can consult a Sacramento County Immigration Attorney.

To get asylum in California, you must be physically available at the port of entry. You can as well apply for asylum either defensively or affirmatively. In both defensive and affirmative processes, you must indicate a viable fear of persecution at your country of origin during an interview with immigration authorities.

Affirmative Process

You can apply for asylum affirmatively in California if you are physically present, regardless of how you accessed the country. Asylum is applied for at the entry point.

If you are denied asylum during the affirmative process, you will be referred for removal. However, you can utilize the defensive asylum process to renew your request for asylum through Sacramento Immigration Attorney.

Defensive Asylum

An individual can also seek defense against removal after apprehension by ICE and CBP agents in California or at the entry points. You will be required to request asylum in an immigration court where a judge will have the final say. If you are based in California, you can seek assistance from any Sacramento Asylum Attorney to guide you through the process.

The law of California doesn’t offer an immigration attorney in Sacramento; it is the role of the person seeking asylum to hire one for him or herself.

An individual seeking asylum will be referred for a screening interview with an asylum officer at the entry point. Here he will get an opportunity to explain their fears based on race, religion, nationality, and membership.  After the interview, the asylum officer will decide whether you are eligible for asylum.

If you aren’t eligible, you will be referred to an immigration court for a defensive process. Here you will need a Sacramento immigration lawyer to help you appeal the decision.

If you qualify for asylum, your child or any eligible spouse on your application can live and work in California. Eventually, you can become a green card holder. However, suppose you fail, the Department of Homeland Security can use the information provided to establish you are removable from the U.S.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

The role of a Sacramento asylum lawyer is to help clients file for asylum. The legal application process will give an applicant better odds in their application. There are no government fees involved, but there is a reasonable attorney fee for the application. In case you wish to learn more, you can call our law office for a consultation.

If you qualify for asylum, our Sacramento asylum attorneys will guide you through the next course of action