asylum deportation

Steps to Prevent Deportation

February 11, 2022

Steps to Prevent Deportation You have a life and a purpose here in the United States, now you get a notice that what you have worked for might be taken away. The thought of being deported is terrifying for people who might not be here legally or if their immigration status has fallen into question. At Manzoor…

motorcycle accident

Motorcycle Accident Safety Tips

January 21, 2022

The legal team at the Manzoor Law Firm, in Roseville, California is at your service should you have been in a motorcycle accident. If you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Roseville CA or the surrounding area, you need a Roseville accident attorney to ensure you receive all the benefits you deserve. Motorcycle accident…

drunk driver

Involved in a car accident with an intoxicated driver? Can I get compensation for my injuries?

January 14, 2022

Can I get compensation for my injuries if hit by a drunk driver? Drunk driving accidents are all too common across the United States today. Recent statistics show that one person dies in a drunk driving accident approximately every 52 minutes in the United States. Car accident lawyers in Roseville know this does not count the many…

mom with her daughter during christmas

Holiday Parenting Plans

December 17, 2021

What is a Holiday Parenting Plan? A holiday parenting plan is a carefully crafted blueprint for how the holidays should be spent between children and their separated or divorced parents. The most important aspect of a holiday parenting plan is that it should always be in the children’s best interest. How Holiday Parenting Plans Work…

single parent with her daughter

Who Gets the Kids During the Holidays?

December 10, 2021

Who Gets the Kids During the Holidays? In California, who gets the kids during the holidays depends on several factors, including whether the parents can work together to form a visitation plan and any court-mandated rules that currently preside over their children’s visitation situation. Visitation is determined by how well the parents work together and…

family immigration

Family-Based Petition 

November 17, 2021

Family-Based Petition  The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is a United States law that limits the number of family immigrant visas that foreign nationals can be issued each year. These tasks are allocated by the U.S. Department of State with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services playing a significant role in determining eligibility. This overview…