June 09, 2023

Low-Speed Accidents

two men arguing after a car accident on the road

Driving a car on a daily basis is a requirement for many people in the state of California. When you are driving, it is generally much safer to drive at a slower speed as you will have more control. However, even when driving at low speeds, there is a chance that you could be involved in an accident. Hiring a Roseville personal injury lawyer following a low-speed accident can be a great idea to file your claim.

Causes of Low-Speed Accidents

Generally, when you are behind the wheel of the car, you will be safer when driving at lower speeds. This is because it will increase your reaction time and will also result in lower force upon impact if there is an accident. However, low-speed accidents do occur on occasion. There are various reasons in particular why this can occur:

  • Drivers at low speeds may be going much slower than other moving traffic. In these situations, lower speeds can actually be more dangerous.
  • Drivers are distracted when driving.
  • Poor weather makes it more challenging to stop, even when driving at lower speeds.
  • Mechanical issues with the vehicle or tires.
  • Negligent driving, such as switching lanes without a signal or blowing through stop lights or signs.

Low Speed Accident Injuries

As a low-speed accident will typically have less force than one taking place at higher speeds, they generally will result in less damage and injuries. However, with low speed rear end collision damage, there is still a chance that injuries can occur.

There are various types of injuries that can occur with a low-speed accident, not the least of which is low speed collision whiplash. Whiplash occurs when someone’s head shakes abruptly due to a collision, which can lead to significant neck and back pain. Other injuries could also include broken bones, cuts due to broken glass, and even internal injuries.

Driving cars with functional airbags and using seat belts also tend to reduce the likelihood and significance of injuries.

Compensation for a Low Speed Accident

If you have been injured in any type of auto accident, even if it is a low-speed accident, you are bound to incur a lot of costs. Some of the costs can include medical and therapy bills, lost wages, vehicle repairs, and other expenses associated with not having a car for a period of time. Because of this, it is very important that you seek and receive all appropriate compensation for your incurred damages.

Some types of damage that you can seek will include compensation for your medical and therapy expenses, costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle, and even expenses related to lost wages and pain and suffering.

When you are seeking compensation, an attorney will help you identify a reasonable amount of money to request from the negligent party. This will often include receiving compensation from their insurance company or the other driver directly. Ultimately, you should not incur any type of financial loss due to the accident if the other driver was at fault.

Our Roseville Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help With Your Claim

When you are involved in a low-speed auto accident, it is very important that you receive legal support throughout the process. When looking for Roseville personal injury lawyers, a great firm to contact is Manzoor Law Firm, Inc.

Our team has been providing personal injury law services to those in the Roseville area for a long time. We are experienced with this type of law in the state and can offer all the guidance and support you need. This includes offering a consultation, handing notifications and lawsuit filing, and ensuring your rights are properly represented throughout the legal process. Call us today to set up a consultation to learn more about how we can help you.